some thoughts going through my head tonight:
embedded practice_working directly in the community in which you are living
hold the whole system in the mind; is this future a system small enough to fit?
intensity_of settlement.
(what is a city?)
regarding settlement patterns as areas of intensity and dispersal how can we reconfigure our settlement patterns in a more effective, creative and sustainable way?
on a continuum most least intense dispersed
moments of intensity within boundaries which limit geographic spread.
boundaries in time, boundaries in space.
without boundaries, but within "zones" of intensity. i don't like that word here, sounds too geographically deterministic, but
moments is too ephemeral. it is geographic, it is fixed in a place for a time, and it reflects temporal opportunities
refiguring the urban/rural binary as moments of intensity in a field of possibilities.
all to the purpose of allowing other species to flourish
for their own sake.
maintenance is the most import pattern information we can use to define the use and uselessness of the landscape.
what is landfill but an opportunity for life, an intensity of potentials, millions of potential sites for organisms so flourish?