Thursday, September 24, 2009

Spencer Park Rezoning_my submission

11 South Street

Preston Vic 3072

24th September 2009


I have viewed the Town Planning Scheme No. 1A – Amendment No. 171 from the City of Albany website (

and would like to make the following comments and suggestions:


Porous Paving Surfaces

I would like to suggest that, as there will be an increase in impervious surfaces resulting from increased density in the Spencer Park Special Zone, that to maintain natural hydrological systems it be required as part of onsite landscaping to use porous paving surfaces (e.g. matrix paving, porous asphalt or similar.)


I would suggest that rock, stone or gravel be used to line stormwater basins or channels[1], to slow the rate of flow, dissipate energy and prevent surface erosion.

Infiltration Pits

I would suggest that infiltration pits or rain gardens be part of the landscape requirements or part of works undertaken by Albany City council to ensure return of moisture into the immediate site to maintain natural hydrological systems. Rain gardens have the advantage of providing beauty and interest to the streetscape.

General construction

It is important that locally-sourced rock be used wherever possible as this will minimise energy inputs. Using recycled aggregate for fill and sourcing rocks from on-site excavation works or other local construction sites would be two suggestions.


Energy efficiency in building function

I would like to suggest that design of all buildings including commercial and other non-residential building be required to meet highest energy efficiency standards and that design requirements be limited to these processes, i.e. that it not be part of the Amendment to recommend glazing areas greater than what would meet highest standards of energy efficiency, nor that a particular façade treatment be required.

75 to 85% glazing is recommended in the Amendment, which seems contrary to council standards for residential and dwelling requirements for energy efficiency standards in other documentation, e.g. Energy Efficiency Provisions for Houses BCA Part 3.12. I suggest that glazing and façade treatment recommendations be reconsidered.

Construction and function of buildings

I would like to suggest that requirements for meeting low energy usage in both construction and function of buildings be inserted into the Amendment.

Yours sincerely,

Christine King.

[1] As well as many other WSUD recommendations from councils in Australia, many of which are available online, this fact sheet offers some practical suggestions that might be worth considering, obviously making adjustments to satisfy conditions specific to Albany: Water Sensitive Urban Design in the Sydney Region, Practice Note 7, Landscape Measures. Available from, Accessed 24th September 2009.


  1. Well done Chrissie. Are you actually going to send this to the COA?

  2. yep, sent it off before i posted it here.
    it's quite basic stuff, nothing to upset anyone. but hopefully someone in planning will have a think about it.

  3. Thankyou!
    I wonder if it will make any difference.
